Publishing Books & Courses on the Side

by Hassan Osman

Hassan is making 5 figures per month with about a dozen courses and books on Udemy and Amazon, and doing so while having a demanding full-time job. ...
Hassan is making 5 figures per month with about a dozen courses and books on Udemy and Amazon, and doing so while having a demanding full-time job. Hassan takes a very small bets approach with these products, in particular with the way he markets them. Instead of spending time and energy to promote these products himself, he relies on organic traffic from the platforms. Every day, thousands of people search for books and courses on Amazon and Udemy, and Hassan's products simply show up in the search results. This strategy trades off some upside (the platforms take a big cut) but bring much higher odds of a small win. And as we keep saying, small wins are everything in the stochastic world, as success brings with it more success.


Wednesday, January 17 2024
12:00 AM